Articles - Black grouse
- Dumont L, Lauer E, Zimmermann S, Roche P, Auliac P, Sarasa M, 2019. Monitoring black grouse Tetrao tetrix in Isère, northern French Alps: cofactors, population trends and potential biases. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 42(2):227-244. pdf
- Gée A, Sarasa M, Pays O, 2018. Long-term variation of demographic parameters in four small game species in Europe: opportunities and limits to test for a global pattern. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 41(1):33-60. pdf
- Charra M, Sarasa M, 2018. Applying IUCN Red List criteria to birds at different geographical scales: similarities and differences. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 41(1):75-95. pdf
- Comolet-Tirman J, Siblet J-P, Witté I, Cadiou B, Czajkowski MA, Deceuninck B, Jiguet F, Landry P, Quaintenne G, Roché JE, Sarasa M, Touroult J, 2015. Statuts et tendances des populations d'oiseaux nicheurs de France: bilan simplifié du premier rapportage national au titre de la Directive Oiseaux. Alauda, 83, 35-76 pdf