Publication - Oiseaux divers
- Bravo C, Sarasa M, Bretagnolle V, Pays O, 2022. Detectability and predator strategy affect egg depredation rates: Implications for mitigating nest depredation in farmlands. Science of The Total Environment: 154558. DOI : 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154558
- Bravo C, Pays O, Sarasa M, Bretagnolle V, 2020. Revisiting an old question: Which predators eat eggs of ground-nesting birds in farmland landscapes? Science of The Total Environment:140895. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140895
- Rinaud T, Harmange C, Pays O, Sarasa M, Saillard M, Bretagnolle V, 2020. Interspecific competition between two partridges in farmland landscapes. Animal Behaviour 165:23-34 DOI: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2020.04.018
- Llorente F, García‐Irazábal A, Pérez‐Ramírez E, Cano‐Gómez C, Sarasa M, Vázquez A, Jiménez‐Clavero MÁ, 2019. Influence of flavivirus co‐circulation in serological diagnostics and surveillance: a model of study using West Nile, Usutu and Bagaza viruses. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 66(5):2100-2106 DOI: 10.1111/tbed.13262
- Charra M, Sarasa M, 2018. Applying IUCN Red List criteria to birds at different geographical scales: similarities and differences. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 41(1):75-95. pdf
- Comolet-Tirman J, Siblet J-P, Witté I, Cadiou B, Czajkowski MA, Deceuninck B, Jiguet F, Landry P, Quaintenne G, Roché JE, Sarasa M, Touroult J, 2015. Statuts et tendances des populations d'oiseaux nicheurs de France: bilan simplifié du premier rapportage national au titre de la Directive Oiseaux. Alauda, 83:35-76 pdf